Press Release Summary: Frihet Holdings is a fast growing company that wants to work with you and your business to find the best possible methods for growth and success.
Press Release Body: Frihet Holdings LLC provides long form valuations to small and mid market companies as the cornerstone of their investment decision process. If you are a business owner, it is absolutely necessary to have a business valuation to prove the net worth of your business. Their comprehensive business valuation is less that 1/3 of the cost of the dinosaur companies in this industry, and is one of the most detailed valuations on the market. The corporate valuation services are provided by their well seasoned staff of knowledgeable and certified business appraisers who are trained and educated thoroughly inside and outside of Frihet.
There are many reasons why a business should have a company valuation. One of those reasons is that it is nearly impossible to get any funding without a third party documentation explaining what and why your business is worth what it is. Unlike many other companies selling valuations, Frihet Holdings is a mergers and acquisitions company that works with business owners and shareholders to define reasonable strategies for continued growth of their business; buying the business valuation is only the first step, of a totally of three steps, to complete their business valuations services. Frihet Holdings has a large team of investors and an outstanding Senior Business Management team that will review each business valuation to find the best possibilities of success for each company. For more information on Frihet Holdings, visit
One good reason to have a business valuation is if there are multiple owners of the company. Each partner owns a specific piece of the business and the value of each part may be different. A valuation gives the net worth of the business so each partner knows the exact value of their percent of the business. Another important reason why a business should have a valuation is to get the correct amount of insurance. Insurance is coverage by a contract binding a party to indemnify another against specified loss in return for premiums paid. It is nearly impossible to predict if your business is going to ever need to use its insurance plan, but it would be almost impossible to pay or repair all of the possible damages out of your pocket. For more information on the reasons it is good to have a business valuation, visit
Frihet Holdings, LLC has a wide variety of information on their website. For more information on this successful growing company, visit